USPI WORK will help place your child in a good kindergarten or a prestigious school. Entrust the care of your children to the best specialists in this field!

About the service

State and private kindergartens have unique internal rules, according to which children are accepted. Each institution establishes its mandatory list of necessary documents for enrolling children in groups.


If you’re looking to save time and avoid worry, turn to USPI WORK for help. We have extensive experience in receiving invitations from kindergartens and schools. With our help, you are guaranteed to receive the necessary documents for school or kindergarten. Now you will have time to calmly do your business while your little one is successfully studying or playing.

What documents are required to enter kindergarten/school?

For admission to kindergarten, parents will need documents that confirm:

  • official employment (certificate or copy of employment contract)
  • certificate of regular tax payment (copy of the last tax return)
  • residence in the commune where the kindergarten is located (registration card or copy of the lease agreement)


Some kindergartens may request other documents, including the child’s PESEL number.

What difficulties may arise when registering for kindergarten?


The most important difficulty when registering in a state kindergarten is the limited number of places and a long queue for them. In big cities, it is almost impossible for foreigners to get to a state garden, and in small cities the chances of visiting such a garden are much higher.


Many parents worry that their children will feel uncomfortable in a Polish kindergarten and will have problems communicating without knowing the Polish language. However, this is not a problem, because children are able to quickly adapt to a new environment and learn new things.


Another complication is that many foreigners encounter unscrupulous intermediaries when issuing invitations to the gardens. Such firms may issue false invitations or register children in kindergartens that do not actually accept children.


We at USPI WORK are ready to help you collect all the necessary documents to quickly and easily enroll your child in kindergarten.

What difficulties may arise when enrolling in school?

Are you going to send your child to school in a densely populated area of ​​a large Polish city? Be prepared for the fact that local schools may have a shortage of places and long queues for admission. In this case, you should consider alternative options or change the district.


Can they refuse admission or issue an invitation? Yes, it is possible, but the human factor is decisive here: you can always try to come to an agreement. If you are outside the country and do not yet have registration, you can prove your serious intentions to stay in Poland as a whole family and provide documents confirming these intentions (lease agreement, invitation to work or study, etc.) to enroll your child in school.


The school director will consider all your arguments and, if he does not see a catch, he will be able to help.

Stages of registration of a child for kindergarten/school


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We find an educational institution that meets your needs, organize the issuance of an invitation and send it to you by mail. You will receive this invitation in the near future and will be able to safely enter Poland. If you are already in Poland, you can personally receive an invitation from the institution's administration.


Sending a request

Sending a request and receiving a positive response from the educational institution, if there are free places for your child.


Collection of documents

Collection of necessary documents for admission to the chosen school or kindergarten (by electronic or regular mail, depending on the conditions of this particular institution).


Receiving an invitation

If the documents are in order, you receive an invitation


Entry to Poland

Entering Poland on the basis of this invitation or starting studies if you are already in Poland

What is the cost of studying in Polish schools?

In Poland, there are both public and private schools, which parents choose depending on the needs of their children.


It is worth remembering that foreign children who are officially in Poland have the right to free education in public schools together with their Polish peers.


In public schools, parents pay for textbooks once a year, as well as additional costs for school activities, which include trips, excursions, holidays, and school uniforms if required, meals or special meals for children with special needs.


In addition, school expenses will include accident insurance, paid for once a year by parents. This insurance does not replace mandatory general health insurance from ZUS or another insurance company.


If parents choose a private school for their child, they pay for education according to the rules and tariffs of that school. All necessary information about costs can be found out by contacting the relevant school.

The cost of attending kindergartens in Poland

State kindergartens are actually free, but parents may pay extra for certain educational materials, extra classes, “extended day” time (when the child stays in kindergarten after the main part of the day), special food for children with allergies, etc.


In each kindergarten, the cost may vary and range from PLN 180-200 to PLN 1200-1500 per month. To find out payment details, you need to contact a specific kindergarten. The kindergarten will tell you about the cost of attendance, meals and additional services, as well as document requirements.


In some private kindergartens, a program of additional state funding may be available, where part of the costs are covered by the state, and the rest – by parents. However, becoming a participant in such a program for foreigners is a rarity.


There is no need to worry and think about the complexity of the process of registration and receiving an invitation to a kindergarten or school for your child. If you want to quickly and successfully achieve your goals, contact the reliable and proven company UPSI WORK!


+48 883 883 668

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